Supported me for more TYPO3 learning content

Thank you for wanting to support me so that I can produce more learning content around TYPO3.

Who I am?

My name is Kevin Chileong Lee and I've been a TYPO3 expert for over 10 years. I work as a TYPO3 full-stack developer and regularly publish new content related to TYPO3.

I am passionate about doing this because I am absolutely convinced of this content management system. Since TYPO3 is very extensive and there are not enough good sources for it, I created the T3 Campus.

In addition, I have published very cheap TYPO3 online courses on Udemy for anyone to create professional websites in TYPO3.

What is the T3 campus?

The T3 Campus is a learning platform with numerous free tutorials, copy templates and online tools for everything to do with TYPO3.

They help TYPO3 beginners and advanced users to find their way better in the TYPO3 world and not only accelerate the training period, but also the daily work with this CMS.

The T3 campus consists of a public area and an internal area. The internal area contains even more tutorials, recommendations and programming aids than the public part.

Everyone can join the internal area completely free of charge.

The T3 campus also has a YouTube channel. A new episode appears there every Friday at 8 p.m. All about TYPO3, of course.

There are not only hands-on tutorials, but also one or the other label video.

From time to time I post internal news and milestones on my Instagram account.

I want to give you more learning content

I'm really passionate about publishing TYPO3 tutorials and passing on my knowledge to you.

I would like to do this full-time and I need your support to do so.

In order to publish even more learning content, I need even more time. In order to get even more time, I have to further reduce my time in permanent employment. And to be able to do that - yes, I know - I need money.

Thank you if you've read this far. If we like my content, I really appreciate your support.

So, you can support me!

There are many ways to support me. And not all paths cost you money. So if you want to support me but don't have any money available - that's no problem.

Recommend me

One way to support me for free is by recommending me to your friends and colleagues.

If you have TYPO3 projects or are interested in TYPO3 coaching in your company, then get in touch with me or pass on my contact address (

You can also recommend me indirectly by subscribing to the T3 Campus YouTube channel, liking, sharing or commenting on my videos.

All this helps me to become better known and I benefit from it - also financially.

Become a member

I have set up a sponsorship membership on my YouTube channel. There you can support me in creating valuable content about TYPO3 for very little money.

If you are looking for high-quality and detailed TYPO3 courses and want to acquire in-depth, tried-and-tested knowledge. Then join my TYPO3 online school (german only).

Buy my online courses

I have published really cheap TYPO3 online courses on Udemy. You buy once and you can use my videos there for the rest of your life or a Udemy life.

Admittedly, the online courses are at least partly getting on in years. But as a TYPO3 newcomer, you can still take a lot with you.

Buy me a coffee

Buy me a coffee is a service where you can send me small and large amounts conveniently, quickly and securely. Any donation of any size is welcome.

And I drink a lot of coffee. It also helps me to create TYPO3 learning content.

I would be very happy about a coffee.

You can also send me a small donation via PayPal. The service is similar to Buy me a coffee.

So if you prefer PayPal, you can find me here.

My affiliates

You can also support me through my affiliate links. I also post these in the video description of my YouTube videos.

I list them again here.

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You see, there are many ways to support me.

I think there will be something for you too.

Even if you choose not to support me directly, your time spent on this article has already helped me.

Thank you for your time and I wish you a lot of success with TYPO3.

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The links marked with * are affiliate links. An affiliate link is an affiliate link that gives me a referral commission if you make a purchase on the landing page.